Vicissitude: Bipolar Disorder and its ups and downs

This is a diary of present and the past by a man who being Bipolar is just part of his life Each post is in two parts first is everyday diary and second is a kind of continuous diary of my past


Being Bipolar is just part of my life.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Ceasefire

Things are getting better and better. Usually when things go so well I have a feeling of peace before storm. But I put aside that feeling now and just enjoy the changes. My doctor seams to be OK. And my wife has made an appointment to see him. It is good for her. I saw a program about how our brains work under pressure and competition. Very interesting. We learn things using our conscious part of brain and when we are expert we use our subconscious and does the work automatically. And under pressure however the brain goes back to use the conscious part and so making mistakes like a new learner. And thinking you will win helps you continue in difficult moments. And watching another program about physics and different theories and revolutions in this field, I learnt that we should not look for the ultimate truth or the one and only equation that can explain everything. The goal is to learn about the relationships between things and how they work. To make a long story short I take that I should just be what I am and at the same time try to see the world from different angles to learn more.
On Friday morning mountains and breakfast is on. We are going to make omelet and tea there on wood fire.
My daughter writes her diary and I asked her if she wanted a blog to post her diary there. She is only eight but she finds it satisfying writing her diary of good or even bad events. Last night she came home crying because of something and the first thing she asked for was her diary to write down the bad event that had made her cry. It is a good way to let it out and I am happy for this.
My goal is now to lead an ordinary life because I think to do some extraordinary thing you have to be ordinary first! It just came and I have to read it over and over myself to get the idea. I am not looking for ultimate answers to everything "life, universe and everything" like in "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". I would probably come up with a number.
Life seams good at this very moment and I try to enjoy it and do not care about future or the past. We are not here to solve everything and to solve part of it is just enough. I always thought things should be solved straight away and get best result but now I understand my limits and know things can wait. Most of our life is our everyday life and actually biggest part of it. I shouldn't forget about it and tangle myself too much on matters that can wait and are not so immediate. I am getting old I suppose.


Blogger Rootietoot said...

That explains why, when I make biscuits for my family they are all light and fluffy and stuff, bu when I make them for company they come out hard and black.

Ordinary is good, comfort in familiar routine and all that. You don't have to discover the cure for cancer, or singlehandedly rescue an entire town from doom. Working to make one person's day a better day is most satisfying.

Enjoy your friday. Wood fire omelets sound comforting. Can I bring biscuits?

September 01, 2005 5:30 AM  
Blogger Danny said...

Great post, Radin! I like the reference to the "Hitchhiker's Guide." I agree - life is what you want it to be, and we don't have be extraordinary. Besides, what appears to be ordinary to others, may be extraordinary for us! I think that the true relish in life is to seek others' views, which nurtures relationships.

I also think that it's great that your daughter keeps a diary, and that you encourage her to do so. Indeed, a blog would be pretty neat for her as well. Maybe she could post her favorite pictures and share them with the world? Enjoy the mountains - and the omelets! :)

September 01, 2005 11:48 AM  

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