Vicissitude: Bipolar Disorder and its ups and downs

This is a diary of present and the past by a man who being Bipolar is just part of his life Each post is in two parts first is everyday diary and second is a kind of continuous diary of my past


Being Bipolar is just part of my life.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

So long so good

Things are moving along smoothly. I feel a bit angry over some matters that I won't go into details but this morning I woke up having a dream in which I was shouting at someone. I have to let out my fury somehow. What makes me happy though is that I am having emotions about things rather than taking them inside and bury them until they die and that's good. I do not over react. Anger sometimes feels like a normal reaction and it is just fine especially when the reason is so logically acceptable.
Wife relation issue is no longer bothering me. As far as it is not my fault it is OK. Couldn't do much about it so I left it there. Last night I was watching a program on TV. It is about family relationships. Well what really was interesting was the last quota that the advisor said. "Let us appreciate the right of others of not accepting our request".
My daughter is growing just fast. She is 8. She seams more involved in our life than she was before. What I mean is that she acts more mature and more part of the gang than rather a child in the family. With the relationship I am making with her I am helping her participate in our little jokes and make comments, of course up to the limit of her age. She knows about my blog though she of course does not read it. I just explained to her that I keep a kind of diary which I share with others. She says "please tell them about what I do when you come home and ring the door bell" Yes she stand on her chair behind the door looking through the eye piece. I do not know what she finds funny about this that she keeps me waiting while looking and asks me to make faces before she opens the door. I'll post one of he pictures in future.
Today I am going to have an X-ray taken from my tooth. The lady dentist will deside if it is needed pulling out or can save it. It is sad to lose a tooth. Poor little thing hs done a lot for me!
My nephew sent me an e-mail from India. He lives there. The things he says about that country are amazing. One is, in small cities if you go to the butcher to buy meat you should be careful on your way back home so that the eagles over head won't snitch from you. Or about the so many different religions and rituals. I should find an excuse to make a business trip to India on the company.
It is nearly time to go home, the rest I will post from home tonight. Bye for now and take care.


Blogger Janet said...


Thanks for your advice. If you don't mind, I prefer not to talk about certain things on my blog since it is a public forum. If you have an email address, I can respond more there. Mine is on the site.

July 26, 2005 6:04 AM  
Blogger Nicole said...

I'm starting a sort of blog support group for survivors of mental illness and their families. I was wondering if I could list your blog? I explain more on my blogs:

Email me!

July 26, 2005 5:47 PM  
Blogger Jean said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and your thoughtful response. I was wondering if you have read the "Don't sweat the small stuff books"? They have been a real boon to me and I know that he does a don't sweat the small stuff with family. I would really recommend reading the first one first. It is just a way of looking at life that really makes so much sense. For those of us that grew up feeling too much about things, it can be nice to see another world view in action. Try this book.

July 30, 2005 4:16 PM  

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