Vicissitude: Bipolar Disorder and its ups and downs

This is a diary of present and the past by a man who being Bipolar is just part of his life Each post is in two parts first is everyday diary and second is a kind of continuous diary of my past


Being Bipolar is just part of my life.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

The Four Seasons

The previous post was written on Wednesday but for some problems was added to my blog too late. Anyway I am back from my vacation. I enjoyed there cut off from the busy world. I got back late last night and slept late. In the morning I visited my doctor. My appointments are going to be every month instead of every two weeks and then he said will be reduced to every six months. I will continue my meds for panic attacks although with lower dose and my Flux will continue as it is. The session took two hours. He assured me that I was not imagining things and that change had actually taken place. He told me not to go into details about psychological matters and just live my life. Try to make money and spend it well. Of course that is the difficult part but all in all he asked me to take life as it is. He is sort of right. I am spending too much time working on myself. Into what ever I change I will never be myself. By changes I mean structural changes otherwise changes happen all the time and one should change for the better all the time. "You don't have to carry the label "bipolar" with you everywhere you go" he said. "This is part of our job to label disorders in order to categorize them. Not every patient goes through the same things as the book says and it is not necessary to think it that way." He added.
I do not forget that I do have a disorder but I do not feel doomed anymore. Future possible depressions and manias won't put me off either. I will deal with them as they come along. I don't have to worry about it now.
From the information I have the sad news is that my doctor has some heart problems and he has decided not to go through agonizing and painful tests and treatments and he wants to live his rest of remaining years working at ease exercise and have a balanced diet. It is sad to ever loose him. He had so far thought me how to fish and I am ever so grateful to him for that.
One temptation I have is to have the control over my mania and turn it into a productive asset.
Life doesn't look fun but I am going to live it and enjoy it if I can and at times when I can't do anything to change hard situations I am going to laugh it off. If life is a symphony I'd rather have The Four Seasons by Vivaldi. Not some monotonous blue notes repeating themselves until the end. I accept that I'll have to live through all four seasons and look at their bright side even in freezing winter or dull autumn (In the bottom of the deep dark well of depression or the head spinning height of mania.) unless I am wealthy enough to move to some ever spring island. But too much paradise may be boring, too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You don't have to carry the label bipolar with you wherever you go."

My god, I do that all the time. Sometimes I feel like it's a huge neon sign strapped to the back of my butt (which everyone is staring at of course because it is so fantastic).

July 23, 2005 5:31 AM  
Blogger Steve said...

Glad you had a good vacation. I think time away, to break the monotony is good. Yes, I have lived for a long time without the diagnosis of being bipolar and lived. However I was not happy and lost much along the way. Knowing gives me knowledge and allows medication to help. But still the seasons come and go. Yesterday was dark for me and today is the same but not as bad. And I continue knowing this too will change. I so enjoy your writing and posting.

July 24, 2005 7:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, powerful stuff! Great post. I know exactly what you mean about carrying the label Bipolar. I think since we are so often analyzed by others, we often over analyze ourselves. We start to notice even our smallest "errors" and attribute it to our disorders. I am the worlds worst at doing this myself. No amount of therapy in the world can change it either. I always come back to do just that.

You also have panic attacks? Panic disorder? That would be another thing we have in common. I used to have the all the time. At least once a week. Therapy worked wonders on those. I was making my own situation worse, by expecting them to happen. If that makes sense. It was turning me into an agoraphobic. ANYWAY, it's interesting to "look" inside the head of someone going through similar situations.

I am going to add you to my blog roll. I will be back to visit again soon.

July 24, 2005 10:07 PM  
Blogger Janet said...

Since I know someone who I believe is undiagnosed but bipolar, I am interested in what you have to say.

July 25, 2005 12:22 PM  
Blogger Radin said...

If he is close to you and can be convinced to go through the treatment why don't you help him out? Of course make sure you find a real good doctor otherwise he may be over-diagnosed which is worse than not being treated.

July 25, 2005 9:18 PM  

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