Vicissitude: Bipolar Disorder and its ups and downs

This is a diary of present and the past by a man who being Bipolar is just part of his life Each post is in two parts first is everyday diary and second is a kind of continuous diary of my past


Being Bipolar is just part of my life.

Monday, August 22, 2005

The abundant positive energy around us

Kindness I found we can buy real cheap. For example the ticket person at the Metro. She knows me by now and when I buy the ticket we exchange smiles and sometimes a how are you today. Or the newspaper man, we even exchange a few light jokes about everyday matters. These little relationships matter.
There is a kind of energy around us that we can use with the help of others and we can help them use it. That is why distance here is not important. Because this energy doesn't have to be transmitted, it is there everywhere around us. People just trigger it to be absorbed. That is why when you hear a nice comment and or good wish from so far away you feel good. I believe you can still get this energy even if you do not actually know about it. I mean if the person has good feelings towards you. Well I have maybe gone too far in this but at least it is what I would like to believe.

I am working on a theory (By a PHD) of psychological causation called "The Paradox of Pleasure and Relativity" and it really works for me. It is kind of contrary to all methods I have studied and it works on the basis of negative causation. In short, it says that our energy is limited and the feelings we get is the work of stimulus that make the potential energy ready to work. You enjoy food because you have gone through a negative feeling of hunger. Or you go to sauna and withstand the heat and actually making it difficult for yourself because you know you will have a pleasurable experience in the cold pool. This he says is also true with psychological issues. So I think mood changes in normal situations are happening to make a balance in a day or a week and the stimulus causing them come from outside. In an unnormal situation it comes from inside and lasts too long and is balanced within months. Well these I say not as facts but what I think is happening. A kind of personal opinion really.

I talked to one of my very old friends the other day. We really had a good time talking about good old days and had great laugh. Turning to old regular jokes. I like these regular jokes especially with people whom I have a kind of "Need No Talking Relation". We even joked about who will die first and what the other will do then. He has found one of our elementary school friend F.D. we are going to visit him soon. He is a factory owner now.

A few days back we had a kind of national celebration in which fathers are given presents. What I got was few full loads of washing machines and a full sink of washing up to do and not even a word of congratulates. I am going to thank my wife on that and tell her she shouldn't have gone into so much trouble for me! But really I have given up worrying about things like this.

Today I am going to meet my very old friend from my first year in elementary school, the one I found through the Internet. We were class mates for only one year but we were good buddies then.
I feel so lonely even though I have a family. But then what good is there when there is no real relationship there. It is not even a bad relationship. At least that way I was somehow involved in something but it is neutral. The real friends I have are those I got to know through bloging and here is the only place I can talk, sometimes to myself.
At work, I am involved in so many projects and am busy enough but not much satisfaction out of it. It only keeps me busy. I have the potential to work in more serious environments and I do have the potential. I used to manage a large department dealing with so many employees and numeral contractors. Like an army officer. I must look for a job with more responsibilities.
Have you ever got that feeling that there is something you need and want but you do not know what it is? I have that feeling. Sometimes I think I should bang my head against the wall and see what happens. It couldn't be the meds because I am on lowest dose ever. And only two. And they will be gradually cut to no meds by my doctor when he is back from hospital. He says we give patients meds for panic attacks so that they forget about it and when they do we cut the med. And it also goes for meds for depression.

I sleep well and have real deep dreams. I also use some illegal drugs sometimes which are not good because they are artificial stimulus and I will have to compensate for it by my energy reserves. That is why I do not do it regularly and go through the downs effects.
Good luck to you all and all the best. I love you all.


Blogger Mama Mouse said...

HI Radin ... thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your tag line, "Being Bipolar is just part of my life." That's how I live my life ... and no, I'm not bipolar, but I am disabled and have very limited mobility as well as a heart condition.

But those things only are a PART of me. I have to live my life around them as you have to live yours around your being bipolar. They don't MAKE us ... how we react to them is what makes us US.

I never realized that there were so many bipolar people connecting in this way on the internet. I think it is marvelous and I wish my son had a computer. He really isn't interested in one and that is too bad. His girlfriend is bipolar and he gets crazy advice from his friends.

Both he and his girlfriend would benefit from blogs such as yours ... as I am sure many DO benefit from it.

You have a big heart that you are sharing with many people!

August 23, 2005 3:28 AM  
Blogger Jean said...

I too have made friends in the blogosphere. I have only just "come out" about my illness in the past few years and then on a very limited basis, with the exception of my blog. Just started new meds last night and am hopeful that they will help keep the winter depression at bay. I understand too about the job thing. I feel that I should be doing more, selling myself short, etc but don't feel ready to push it right now, so I will keep up the wellness practices and hope that the day comes soon when I can get back to the real world.

August 23, 2005 4:55 PM  
Blogger Radin said...

Mama mouse, thank you for your time and comments. They are so valuable. I wish I had someone like you in my life.
JC hope you are back on the track soon.

August 23, 2005 10:19 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

It is nice to return and read your wonderful words. As you know life has made some dramatic changes for me and it is my hope that with time a sense of groundedness will return. In so many ways I have missed ready my favorite blogs and finding the peace that comes with the things we all find in common. I have yet to read all the posts I have missed. Your comments about energy are very interesting and I have written some on my blog about energy. I do think if we are conscious and sensitive to what is around us we can read others energy as in auras. If I do the work necessary I can walk into a room and see the energy field around others. I think we can even read energy from a great distance if we choose to learn the skills that are needed. Anyway. I do not mean to go off on a tangent... I just wanted to say how comfortable it is to visit your blog.

August 24, 2005 8:15 PM  
Blogger jane said...

your blog is always so uplifting. I agree about coming in contact with strangers & sharing a simple smile, or hello. I love doing that, especially with the elderly. They seem to appreciate it & mean it even more genuinely.
I really wish you'd consider joining the bipolarplanet webring. You've got so much to contribute.
As always, love reading your blog.

August 24, 2005 10:50 PM  

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