Vicissitude: Bipolar Disorder and its ups and downs

This is a diary of present and the past by a man who being Bipolar is just part of his life Each post is in two parts first is everyday diary and second is a kind of continuous diary of my past


Being Bipolar is just part of my life.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Let's Just Live

There are numeral methods to control our moods and or cope with them. But I realized that I should choose amongst them the one that most suits me individually, check its success in the past and use it as best as I can. I mean it is better than jumping from one method to the other in hope of fast relief. Of course that doesn't mean not testing a few to see how they are. Ignoring the presence of the moods and keeping a routine has helped me greatly. As Dr. Debora Serani commented on my previous post some methods like I gave an example of should be " presented by an experienced therapist". So I am going to talk about it to my doctor to see if he knows about it and if he can practice it.
Doing things I like doing has helped me, too. One gets a feeling of self respect. I am going to do it more often even if it is not approved by others. Well it is natural they have not seen me think of myself so they are not used to it and it is normal. I am committed to find a good teacher for my painting classes to come. Art is very useful for BPs. I even might try photography. I do have previous experiences in that field. Poetry is also good but is not so much presentable as others since, the feeling of being heard by the art you do is also important. I mean you can not go around giving poems to others to read and say what they think but with photos and paintings it is done automatically.
Loving oneself doesn't mean being selfish. For love we go so far, to others but I think we should start at home of our own self. How can we expect love of others if we fail to love ourselves? We do not need to be perfect. We are just one of the millions with our positive and negative sides. Let's accept what we are and begin to appreciate it. Of course we should work to be better but that doesn't mean we forget all about living our lives. Being too sensitive is one of my weaknesses. I want to be accepted by almost everyone so I unintentionally try to be hundred persons in one to satisfy all different tastes. In result I can't decide which one is the real me. I should learn to stick to my own beliefs and present myself as I really am. And not worry about reactions I might provoke. For a person who has been so much flexible all his life, this is going to be a tough job. I think it is time to take a rest of my own continuous self changes according to the outside waves and stop. Accept what I am now. Appreciate what I have gained in life and respect what I find valuable. Mingle with the crowd and keep my head up. I may lose a few friends, find new ones, be criticized, be hated, be loved and all that comes. That is what millions are confronted with and are just living their lives. This way I will be amongst those I really like. I just live my life as it is and learn as I go along. I just see what happens. (more later …)

There are two sides to a disaster like the one at New Orleans, one is the immediate aides and relieves needed and the other is the reconstruction. The latter takes more time. So after the news die down eventually we should remember that the help should not stopped and forgotten. It takes more than a sudden rash of humanitarian feelings in a limited time.


Blogger Danny said...


To get through life, just follow your own road. :)

September 07, 2005 1:24 PM  

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