Vicissitude: Bipolar Disorder and its ups and downs

This is a diary of present and the past by a man who being Bipolar is just part of his life Each post is in two parts first is everyday diary and second is a kind of continuous diary of my past


Being Bipolar is just part of my life.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Big colorful Balloons

I have got a lot to say. So many subjects that I will gradually enter here. That is the reason it took me long before the new post. I had no idea where to start.
Today I talk about positive thinking, positive approach and positive everything and positive fake smile we are encouraged to wear while we feel everything is against us. these positives are what I call big colorful balloons which go BOOM when under pressure. They follow the same formula based on the power of illusion. They are good for a short period and in case of temporary goals like a job interview. Here is a definition.
a. An erroneous perception of reality.
b. An erroneous concept or belief.
2. The condition of being deceived by a false perception or belief.
3. Something, such as a fantastic plan or desire, that causes an erroneous belief or perception.

And we even hear it from experts and doctors.
Take for example self confidence. Can it be created out of thin air and based on nothing but positive thinking?

There need to be a foundation no matter how weak. We should build our self confidence upon what we already have. And we need to work hard in order to improve these foundations.
Positive or negative thinking comes from deep within and goes back to where our personality was shaped.
The very complex structure of our personality follows simple rules but it multiples by many junctions on the way resulting in an interwoven web. It starts so simple in early years. Action – reaction and the feelings involved. And these are the welding points at junctions. We keep engraved reactions through life. To change our approach we need to change these welding points. For that we need safe tools.

As Bipolars we need to gather information and strengthen our knowledge. Put to use our experiences and implant changes.


Blogger Unknown said...

I am very interested in what you have to say. I also am Bipolar and I have traveled a path to functioning very similiar to yours. I have attended all kinds of groups and sites and have not found people who are commited to life and what they need to do in order to function in reality.
In my search to find a freind who understands what I go through I have found mostly poeple who want to "play" with the Dr.s and the meds and are not interested in behavioral management strategies to live a fuller life. I would love to correspond with you, a brother in arms if you will. My e-mail address is

June 10, 2008 12:06 PM  

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