Vicissitude: Bipolar Disorder and its ups and downs

This is a diary of present and the past by a man who being Bipolar is just part of his life Each post is in two parts first is everyday diary and second is a kind of continuous diary of my past


Being Bipolar is just part of my life.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Find the Mafia

In my previous post I talked about a game we played and here I explain it.
Today started well. Taking a shower and shave. Have fast breakfast and meds. Got into car and took Sara to school and wife to work. Park the car and take the tube to work. A few minutes ago a panic attack started. I am trying to stay calm.
We have a problem at Sara's school. They had a very good teacher to begin with but she had to go to university and was substituted by another teacher who is very restricted.

Now the game we played during our holiday, "Find the mafia", you may already know it by another name. In any case I am going to explain it for those who are interested.
The ideal number of players is seven and the eighth person acts as the god.
God has seven cards, ace of spades, two black numbered cards and four red numbered cards from the pack. The numbers are not important. Only the color is important.
The god then gives each player a card. The players look at their cards and then the game starts. Ace of spade is the detective. Two black cards are the mafia members. And the red cards are the police.
The god calls to the players "It is night, everyone sleep" and the players close eyes.
The god: "Mafia open eyes" the two mafia open eyes.
The god: "Mafia close eyes"
The god: "Detective open eyes"
The god: "Detective close eyes"
The god: "It is morning, wake up"
Everyone opens eyes. Now they start talking. Each talk and give their reason what they think others are. And those who are accused of being mafia member can defend themselves. When all the talking is done. The god declares "Voting time".
Each person has only one vote to give. They have to vote who to kill as suspected mafia member. God calls each person name and others vote. Players keep their vote for the person they think is the mafia member. So one is killed by vote and leaves the game.
The god: "IT is night, everyone sleep". They close eyes.
The god: "Detective, open eyes". The detective open eyes and by pointing to one of the players asks god if that person is police or mafia and god by showing a red or black card tells him. Only one person.
The god: "Detective close eyes"
The god: "Mafia, open eyes". The mafia open eyes and together they decide who to kill and by pointing to that person show god which is killed.
The god: "Mafia, close eyes". "It is morning everyone wake up"
They open eyes and then god declares the one who was killed the night before. And he or she is out of the game. Those who are killed are not allowed to reveal what they were, mafia or police or the detective and have to keep silence to the end of the game.
The talking, arguing, accusing and defending starts. And vote is taken to kill one.
The game continues this way until either mafia or police wins. Through the game and at nights even if the detective has been killed god has to say the same words "detective open eyes" and "detective close eyes" and leave a short pause in between them.
The game is still exciting for those who are killed and just follow the game. Because they now know who the mafia members are and listening to the arguments is also fun. If the number of players is more then you may decide to add to the number of mafia members.
Well that is it. For those who did not know the game.


Blogger Diana Crabtree said...

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September 26, 2005 9:31 AM  
Blogger Diana Crabtree said...

thanks for sharing that game :)

as a kid I played a schoolyard game that was similar

Hope you are feeling better

September 26, 2005 9:31 AM  
Blogger Diana Crabtree said...

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September 26, 2005 9:31 AM  
Blogger jane said...

that sounds like a lot of fun!

September 26, 2005 6:18 PM  

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