Posting again
I am back again. A few weeks after my previous post ,and with the help of my doc. I stopped my meds. Since then I managed without meds. The moods are under control and I realized that many feelings I had were the side effects of meds. I don’t recommend others to give us meds. This is my case. I am a little moody at times but who isn’t. I wasn’t able to make use of my mania as I intended but still it helps me to some extend. Rule one learn from the past but never question yourself. In any situation do as you feel right. If the result is not good then change your approach but never ask questions and don’t go over it again and again. The negative feeling of self interrogation makes you stock and repeat it again. I am a new person and others have to accept who I am. Perhaps I have always been this way but acted to please others. Now that I am what I really am I feel much better. Fear is our worst enemy. I still can't get over that but am working on it.
I miss my blogs friends and hope to keep in touch.
I miss my blogs friends and hope to keep in touch.
Awesome Post! You are so right. My 24 year old daughter is bi-polar and she spends too much energy worrying about what others think.
What others think is not important, what is important is how you think. I think you are in good place right now.
You are correct fear/worry is our worst enemy. Knowing that, I am sure you will/can conquer it!
KUDO's to ya!
hello, i stumbled upon your blog, and i just wanna wish you all the best! (:
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